An IAS officer Kriti Raj, on Wednesday made a surprise visit to the Dida Mai Health Center in Uttar Pradesh's Firozabad after receiving several complaints regarding the inconveniences faced by the patients. The Sadar SDM arrived at the hospital disguised in a veil as a regular patient where she found out that most of the medicines in the hospital's stock were expired. She is reportedly said to have even purchased a Rs 10 slip after which she consulted the doctor.  

What The Investigation Revealed

After the surprise investigation, SDM Kriti Raj discovered that not only were the doctors missing but the doctor's behaviour was inappropriate. She stated that most of the medicines in the stock were expired and the cleanliness in the hospital was also not maintained.

After conducting the inspection, SDM Kriti Raj stated: "I had received a complaint regarding the Dida Mai health center that the doctor was not present even after 10 am to administer the injection for dog bites. I went there incognito, disguised under a veil, and found that the doctor's behavior was not appropriate. Additionally, most of the medicines in stock expired. Cleanliness was also not maintained."

Akhilesh Yadav Slams Yogi Government

Soon after the video of the inspection surfaced online, Former UP CM Akhilesh Yadav shared the video of the SDM conducting the inspection and slammed the BJP-led Yogi government for the state of the medical infrastructure in UP.

Stating that the IAS officer might be transferred following her surprise inspection, Akhilesh Yadav wrote on his X account that the courageous female officer who exposed the medical system of Uttar Pradesh by going under a veil will have to be carefull or the BJP government which was embarrassed by the revelation of the corruption in the medical system of the state, running without doctors and medicines, might send her abroad on the pretext of imparting knowledge. 

Taking a jibe at the state government, he wrote that the expiry date of the BJP government that gives assurances of curing patients with expired medicines is near.