Schools were shut in several districts of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday as rain battered various parts of the state. The rains also damaged the crops as the fields were filled with water. On Monday evening, 19 people were reported dead in the state in rain related incidents. The rains disrupted the normal lives of the people in the state as waterlogging was also witnessed. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed officers across the state to regulate relief work and distribute compensation to those affected at earliest.
- Schools in various districts of Uttar Pradesh have been closed on Tuesday due to heavy rainfalls. All schools from pre-primary to class 12 remain closed today in the wake of inclement weather conditions in Barabanki and Lakhimpur Kheri districts and a weather warning by India Meteorological Department.
- All government and private schools in Sitapur district also remain closed Tuesday as per District Inspector of Schools (DIOS).
- Paddy and vegetable crops were damaged in Moradabad as fields were filled with water after three days of heavy rains. District Magistrate Manvendra Singh visited the damaged fields and ordered a survey of the situation.
- "We have formed a team with the Agriculture Department to organise a survey of the damage... If an individual demands compensation, they can give a written application. The compensation would be released within 72 hours," said the District Magistrate.
- Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directed all the officers across the district to regulate relief work in the wake of the rainfall. He directs them to distribute compensation at the earliest to the affected people, said the Chief Minister’s Office in a statement.
- The CM also told them that effective arrangements be made for the release of water in case of water logging and water level of rivers be monitored, the CMO said.
- The Uttar Pradesh government has also asked for a report after assessing the damage to crops and directed to pay compensation to the affected farmers.