The Uttar Pradesh Police have arrested the operator of a private hospital in Kaushambi for allegedly misbehaving with the sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) during an inspection of the facility. According to PTI, the hospital, located in the Pipri police station area in Kaushambi, was sealed on June 19 by Chief Medical Officer Sushpendra Kumar over alleged irregularities. On Saturday night, District Magistrate (Chail) Yogesh Kumar Gaur received information that the hospital was operating despite being sealed. When the SDM reached the hospital, he started to make videos of the facility.
Upon seeing this, the hospital operator Dr Nisar Ahmed, and his aide Yasir Ahmed allegedly obstructed the SDM from doing his work. The duo also snatched his phone and misbehaved with him, Circle Officer (Chail) Manoj Singh Raghuwanshi said.
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According to PTI, CO Raghuwanshi said a case was registered against them under sections 392 (punishment for robbery), 332 (voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty), 406 (punishment for criminal breach of trust ) and 411 (dishonestly receiving stolen property) of the IPC on Sunday.