As Uttar Pradesh is reeling under intense heatwave with no sign of rainfall due to sluggish progress of monsoon, the women in Kanpur were seen performing special prayers, hoping for an early rainfall to get respite from the scorching heat.

According to the India Meterological Department, the temperature in Kanpur city in Uttar Pradesh is likely to hover around 46 degrees Celisius in the upcomig days.

Besides this, the weather department has also issued a red alert for the state for three to four days. Thereafter, an orange alert will prevail in the state.

According to a report by the Statesman, Kanpur was the hottest city in UP on Thursday, with a temperature of 46.6 degrees Celsisus. The minimum temperature, which touched 34.9 degrees, was also the highest.

On Wednesday too, Kanpur was the hottest place in UP, recording a maximum temperature of 47.5 degrees Celsius, according to the Regional Meteorological Centre.

IMD Forecasts Severe Heatwave In UP Till June 18

IMD stated that heatwave to severe heatwave conditions will likely prevail in many parts of Uttar Pradesh and few parts of Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi and Punjab on June 17. 

The recent forecast by the weather department noted: "Heatwave to severe heatwave conditions are very likely in many parts of West Uttar Pradesh. whereas heatwave conditions likely in isolated pockets of Haryana-Chandigarh-Delhi, Punjab and East Uttar Pradesh on June 18."

"Uttar Pradesh will continue to sizzle under searing heat for the next five days," the Met office stated.

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