Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Saturday that the construction work for Phase-I of the Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram International Airport in Ayodhya will be over by December 15. CM Yogi Adityanath announced the date after personally examining the ongoing construction at the international airport site, reported news agency PTI.
Accompanying him were Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation General (Retd) VK Singh, as per a statement released by the Uttar Pradesh government.
During their visit, the chief minister and the two Union ministers took stock of the progress of the airport's construction and conducted a comprehensive review meeting with officials.
Adityanath said that Ayodhya, the sacred city associated with Lord Ram, is evolving into the new Ayodhya envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a "new India".
Highlighting the significance of the visit, Adityanath mentioned that the Union ministers assessed the connectivity requirements between Ayodhya, the country, and the world. He emphasized the transformation of a small Ayodhya airstrip, measuring only 178 acres in the past, into a substantial international airport.
The chief minister credited the Airports Authority of India for expeditiously advancing the construction, facilitated by the state government's allocation of 821 acres of land. Adityanath assured that the people of Ayodhya will receive the essential infrastructure for the city's development, emphasizing the government's commitment to restoring Ayodhya's historical significance.
Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that the airport's design reflects the cultural richness of Ayodhya.
As part of the visit, the chief minister participated in 'aarti' and 'darshan puja' at the Hanumangarhi temple, followed by prayers to Ram Lalla, seeking the welfare, happiness, and prosperity of the country and the state's residents, reported PTI.
The Union ministers and Additional Chief Secretary (Civil Aviation) SP Goyal also joined in offering prayers at Hanumangarhi temple and to Ram Lalla. After the rituals, Adityanath inquired about the progress of the Ram temple construction, with members of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust providing detailed updates to the chief minister.