Fake Call Center In Kanpur: Cases of online fraud via call centers are plaguing the country. A new case of fraud worth crores through an international call center in Kanpur has now come to the fore. The Kanpur crime branch and Kakadev police station jointly took action and busted the gang. The police have arrested four accused individuals. It is alleged that they have scammed Americans of over $10,000 in the last 12 months.  

Scammed People By Sending Tempting Ads

The Kanpur Crime Branch DCP Salman Taj Patil said that the call center ran the scam in a unique way. The entire team sent tempting ads related to 'reducing obesity' and 'increasing height' on the computers and laptops of American citizens. Clicking on the ad led to a pop-up that was essentially malware that couldn't be closed.

After this, the call center team would call them posing as "online technical support" and ask for $200 as a fee. This amount was sent through a payment gateway. While removing the pop-up, the system was hacked by asking the customer about their laptop or computer settings.

On the second day, after the call center received $200, the team would contact that person again. They would tell the customer that they had charged a high technical support fee and it had to be returned. On this pretense, they would get the bank details of the person. They then hacked the customer's system and showed a credit of $2000 in their account. The call center team used to contact the person and say that they had sent $2000 by mistake and this way, they would take back $1800 from the customer. 

The Crime Branch and Kakadev Police recovered 27 hard disks, 16 ATM cards of different banks, American Express Bank debit cards, and several passports from the call center gang.