A 16-year-old boy allegedly shot dead his mother with his father's licensed gun in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow because she stopped him from playing an online game, PUBG, and hid her body in the house for two days, police said on Wednesday. The incident happened on Saturday and the minor hid the body inside a room for two days before informing his father, an Army personnel posted in West Bengal, PTI reported. 

Police recovered the partially decomposed body of the woman on Tuesday night and sent it for post-mortem. Police said the boy was addicted to the online game nad has been apprehended. The weapon has also been recovered.

Police said that after killing his mother, the boy allegedly threatened his nine-year-old sister not to reveal the incident to anyone and used a room freshener to hide the smell of the decomposed body. Only when the smell became unbearable, the boy informed his father, PTI reported.

"The incident took place in Yamunapuram Colony under PGI police station area. The deceased used to live with her two children in the house. Her husband, who is a JCO (Junior Commissioned Officer), is currently posted in West Bengal," PTI quoted Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Qasim Abidi as saying. 

"The 16-year-old boy was addicted to online game PUBG. He told us that his mother used to stop him from playing the game, this is why he killed her. The minor used the registered firearm of his father to kill the mother," he said.

After killing his mother, the minor took her younger sister to another room and locked the room where the body was lying.

"On Tuesday evening when the smell of the decomposed body became severe, he informed his father about the incident. The father called the neighbours and they informed the police," Abidi said.

"The boy initially tried to weave a false story around the incident but finally revealed the truth," he said.

Speaking to ANI, Nimesh G Desai, former director, Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences, said xhildren having such addiction need supportive counseling.

"Whatever the young boy did shows a psychopathic personality profile. Violence among children and adults indulging in video games is happening due to market forces behind it along with technology and media. All of these bring behavioural changes among them leading to addiction," ANI quoted Desai as saying.

"Many a time they suffer from depression and psychiatric disorders. Often they start showing early signs of violent and criminal behavior that must be handled differently," he further said.