New Delhi: Sangam Nagri Prayagraj recorded a heavy footfall on the ocassion Kartik Purnima, the last bathing festival on the month of Sun worship. Thousands of devotees thronged Triveni Sangam (confluence) of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati to perform rituals and take a holy dip in the river. 

The devotees gathered at the holy site before sunrise to offer prayers to Lord Kartikeya for the well-being and good health of their family members. According to the religion, bathing during Kartik Purnima is of special importance due to the rare combination of the planetary constellations.

Devotees visiting the Sangam on Friday were seen to be taking holy dip in the river, offering prayers and undertaking charity works. According to beliefs, Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, was born on the same day when Lord Vishnu took the form of Matsya Avatar.

It is also believed that the one who takes a ritualistic bath and offers worships on the Kartik Purnima is blessed with 'Akshaya Punya' or a healthy life. This is the reason why a huge crowd of devotees gather in Prayagraj to take a dip in Triveni Sangam during this time every year.

The ocassion of Dev Deepawali is also celebrated on this day amid a lot of pomp at all the ghats of Prayagraj, including Sangam. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday extended his greetings to the people on this ocassion. 

Addressing the nation, PM Modi said, "I extend my greetings to everyone on the ocassion of Dev Deepawali and Prakash Parv. It is good that Kartarpur Corridor has reopened after 1.5 years."