Haeavy Rain in Rudraprayag: There are no signs stopping in Rudraprayag district. Due to incessant rains, life has been adversely affected. It is raining in Kedarnath Dham from four days. Reconstruction work has come to a halt due to rain.

Although the stone cutting work is going on due to the smooth power supply in the Dham, cement work has been stopped completely. Apart from this, the condition of the Kedarnath and Badrinath highways has deteriorated. There is mud and debris everywhere, and people are finding it difficult to move from one place to another. The closure of link roads in rural areas has caused a scarcity of essential items.

The supply of drinking water has been disrupted for three days, as Punad Gadera located at the district headquarters is flooded. People have to wander for water.

Normal Life In Disarray

Let us tell you that the warning of the Meteorological Department is proving to be accurate. The rain pours continuously in the hilly districts. Due to rain, life is adversely affected. Reconstruction work is not being done in Kedarnath Dham due to heavy rains for four days.

The work of the second phase is to be done in the Dham, which is to be completed by next year, but due to bad weather the construction work is stopped. After three days power supply has been restored in Dham. The stone cutting work has resumed, but with continuous rains, it is becoming difficult to resume cement work. In such a situation, the compulsion of the construction agency is very upset.

Drinking Water Gets Contaminated

The torrential rain has increased people's troubles. Due to the rain, the lakes, ponds, and rivers are in spate. The Punad Gadera located at the district headquarters is also in spate. In such a situation, the supply of drinking water has also stopped, while the buildings around the Gadera are in danger. More than fifteen thousand population resides in the district headquarters, which is dependent on Punad Gadera.

People are worried about water. In places where the water supply is not disrupted, contaminated drinking water is being supplied, due to which there is a possibility of spreading diseases. Badrinath and Kedarnath highways have turned into rubble due to rain.

Traveling on the highway is dangerous due to all-weather work. Landslides are continuously occurring from the hills in Narkota, Khankhra, and Sirobgad of Rishikesh-Badrinath highway, affecting the movement in these places for hours. There is a traffic jam of vehicles on both sides of the highway. The NH department is facing hardships in clearing the debris. Talking about Kedarnath Highway, many danger zones have emerged here after the all-weather work. Landslides are occurring in Saudi, Rampur, Andhergadi, Kund, Phata, Shersi, Narayankoti, Sonprayag highway. 

Over A Dozen Link Routes Closed

The debris and boulders from atop the hill have disrupted and blocked the traffic which can cause death at any time. People are facing a lot of problems in movement as roads are blocked due to landslides. Due to rain in the district headquarters, potholes have formed on the roads, which are being repaired. At the same time, the pathetic condition of rural areas has also become due to rain. Due to incessant rains, more than a dozen link roads in the district are closed.

Villagers are facing trouble as there is a scarcity of essential items. Along with this, the roads connecting the rural areas have also been affected by the torrential rains. Rain is causing a lot of problems in rural areas.

Danger To Residential Buildings 

The torrential rains have made life difficult for the people. Three residential buildings are in danger due to landslides in Rantoli, three kilometers from the district headquarters. Affected families have left their homes and taken shelter in safer places. District Panchayat member Narendra Bisht and victim Dinesh Bisht said that due to rain, the residential buildings are in danger due to landslides in Rantoli.

Even after informing the administration, no responsible officer has reached the spot. The victims' families have left their homes. He said that even after informing the Disaster Management Department, no action has been taken. The families of the victims have left the residential houses and the administration is not responding.