New Delhi: After being left incomplete amidst protests on Friday, the Gyanvapi mosque inspection will be held again today. The court-appointed officials and a team of lawyers will continue the inspection and videography in the Gyanvapi mosque that is adjacent to the Kashi Vishwanath temple in relation to a plea regarding access to the Shringar Gauri temple behind the mosque. 

On Friday, the inspection started after the prayers, however, they were met with protests from the caretakers of the mosque as they claimed that videography was not allowed by the court in the first place and only inspection was given a go-ahead. Today, the inspection will be conducted in the restricted area as well.

While the Hindu group claims that there has been evidence of deities being present in the mosque, the caretaker authorities of the mosque have denied any reality in that. 

Gyanvapi Mosque-Shringar Gauri Issue

The petition that triggered this issue was filed by five women who wanted access to the Shringar Gauri temple, which is behind the mosque, all year long without any restrictions. 

The Shringar Gauri temple is just on the western wall of the mosque and in order to complete prayers, the devotees had to enter the mosque premises earlier to complete the ‘parikrama’. In order to maintain peace, the temple was closed and parikrama was allowed only once a year. 

Now, five women filed a petition in court seeking permission to pray to other "visible and invisible deities within the old temple complex". 

While the Hindu side of the issue claims that evidence of deities is there at the temple, the Muslim side holds the opposition to any videography inside the mosque.