New Delhi: The Congress has stepped up its preparations for the upcoming assembly elections in UP. In this context, Youth Congress President BV Srinivas attended the state executive meeting held in the capital city of Lucknow. In the meantime, he discussed the strategy regarding assembly elections with youth wing workers. 

He also held a press conference after the meeting. Talking to reporters, he targeted the centre and the state government. Srinivas said the UP Government's mismanagement was evident when COVID-19 was spreading like wildfire in the state.

"Many people died due to lack of oxygen. The UP government should make a district-wise list. All those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 should be given employment. He said that UP has not become a crime-free state, instead crime is now on the rise in the state," BV Srinivas said. 

Srinivas also attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi. "Why is Modiji conning the nation by calling himself a pauper?" he questioned.

Srinivas took a jibe at PM Modi by claiming that he ordered himself a pair of Sunglasses worth Rs 250,000 from Berlin sheerly to watch a solar eclipse. "This came at a time when 200 million Indians are not able to afford one meal a day," he  

He said Modi and BJP together trigger inflation. "The government should rename petrol pumps as recovery centres," Srinivas said.

He said the Youth Congress is taking feedback from young lads. The data relating to employment and studies will soon be disclosed based on the feedback received.