New Delhi: In a significant development in the aftermath of the school slap incident in Muzaffarnagar, a case has been lodged against Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair. The case pertains to the alleged revelation of the identity of the seven-year-old victim involved in the incident.

The legal action comes under the purview of Section 74 of the Protection and Care of Children Act, which strictly prohibits the disclosure of a minor's identity in such circumstances. The complaint leading to this legal action has been filed by Vishnu Dutt, whose concerns about the child's privacy violation prompted the initiation of the case. 

The case has been formally registered at the Mansurpur police station.

On August 24, a video of the Muslim student being slapped by his classmates went viral on social media.

The police on Saturday booked Tyagi, the school teacher accused of making communal comments and ordering her students to slap a Muslim classmate for not doing his homework.

The school was also served a notice by the education department in connection with the matter.

Tyagi was booked on the complaint of the boy's family under IPC sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) -- both non-cognisable offences. Such offences are bailable and do not lead to immediate arrest, and require a warrant, reported PTI.

However, Tyagi, in her defence, said the video had been tampered with in order to stoke tensions and claimed that the video was shot by an uncle of the boy.

According to PTI, Tyagi said that though it was wrong on her part to get a student slapped by his classmates, she was forced to do it as she is handicapped and was not able to stand up and reach the student who had not done his assignment.