ABP Ganga Maha Adhiveshan: The issue of the Devasthanam Board was also discussed in the general session of ABP Ganga.

Brijesh Sati, the spokesperson of Chardham Teerth Purohit Mahapanchayat, has described BJP as having two ideologies on the issue of the Devasthanam Board.

He said that the BJP had mentioned in its manifesto for the assembly elections in Tamil Nadu that all temples inside the state would be freed from government control. In Uttarakhand 47 temples have been authorised in addition to the Char Dham under the Devasthanam Act. They have been opposing the Act from the very start.

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He said that Char Dham is the center of spirituality. Char Dham is linked with their spiritual and religious feelings. From the beginning of the time, there were neither facilities there nor there were temples in this form. He questioned Ashutosh Dimri, asking why is he supporting the Devasthanam Act now when he was against it in the past. Sati said that they are breaking traditions by creating and establishing Devasthanam boards.

Sanjeev Semwal, former president of Gangotri temple committee, also opposed this. He said since the creation of the Devasthanam Board, Sanatan Dharma is on a steady decline. Earlier, the Badrinath temple used to open in Brahma Muhurta, now it opens at 7'o clock. Semwal further said that no discussions were held with them in this regard.

At the same time, Ashutosh Dimri, a member of the Devasthanam Board, clarified the issue. He said that initially he too had apprehensions about this board. Dimri added that if religious beliefs, traditions, customs are affected, then he will definitely oppose it. The government has clearly said that it is always ready for discussion. Dimri clarified that traditions were not broken with the creation of the Devasthanam Board.