Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav said on Saturday that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) uses Pakistan, colour, and other such techniques to disguise its failures. His words were in response to Pakistan's Foreign Minister, Bilawal Bhutto's recent remarks, news agency ANI reported.

On Thursday, Bilawal Bhutto made a highly objectionable comment: "Osama bin Laden is gone, but the butcher of Gujarat remains, and he is the Prime Minister of India." He was reacting to Foreign Minister S Jaishankar labeling Pakistan the "epicentre of terrorism" in a strong takedown.

In response to Pakistan's Foreign Minister's remarks, India called Pakistan's offensive personal attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi a "new low even for Pakistan" on Friday. In a clear and unequivocal rejection of Bilawal Bhutto's UN statements, New Delhi stated that Pakistan lacks the qualifications to cast aspersions on India and that "Make in Pakistan terrorism" must end.

"These comments are a new low, even for Pakistan. The Foreign Minister of Pakistan has obviously forgotten this day in 1971, which was a direct result of the genocide unleashed by Pakistani rulers against ethnic Bengalis and Hindus. Unfortunately, Pakistan does not seem to have changed much in the treatment of its minorities. It certainly lacks credentials to cast aspersions at India," According to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry of India. 

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto's personal statements about Prime Minister Narendra Modi "highly shameful and derogatory," and announced statewide protests for Saturday.

"His words are exceedingly insulting, slanderous, and full of cowardice," the BJP stated in a statement Friday.

The investigations into the 2002 Gujarat riots exonerated PM Modi of any misconduct. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court denied an appeal against his exoneration in one of the murder cases.

Over 1,000 people were killed in three days of unrest in Gujarat, and the state police were accused of failing to do more to quell the riots, which erupted after a train coach carrying pilgrims was burned down in Godhra, killing 59 people.

(With Inputs From Agencies)