Assembly Elections 2022: BJP has announced the names of the people in charge of handling activities during the assembly elections. Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has been appointed as the in-charge of UP elections. Anurag Thakur, Saroj Pandey, and Arjun Ram Meghwal have also been made Co-Election in-charge in UP by the BJP. In Uttarakhand, Union Minister Prahlad Joshi has been made the person-in-charge of the elections. Lok Sabha MP Locket Chatterjee and national spokesperson Sardar R P Singh will also be in charge.

In addition, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav will be in charge of the BJP elections in Manipur. PWD Minister Gajendra Shekhawat will be in charge of Punjab while former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis has been made in charge of BJP in Goa.

UP and Uttarakhand scheduled  in 2022

Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are scheduled to ghost assembly elections next year i.e. in 2022. All major political parties have already started preparing for it. BJP, which is the ruling party in both the states is claiming to repeat their 2017 victory. However, their path this year is expected to be filled with hurdles.

The BJP had contested the 2017 election in UP without deciding who would be the Chief Minister upon their victory. After the election results came in, the party then appointed monk and five-time MP from Gorakhpur, Yogi Adityanath as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Yogi is said to be the face of BJP's Hindutva ideology. Yogi is said to be BJP's face for the upcoming UP assembly elections too.