A shocking incident was reported from Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh on Tuesday when a son set fire to her mother inside a police station and filmed the ghastly act. The video showed cops running to the woman, some throwing mud, others getting gunny sacks to douse the flames.

Hemlata, who suffered 40 per cent burns, died during treatment at a hospital, said police, reported NDTV. 

The incident, which was captured on a CCTV camera, took place at Khair police station in Aligarh at around 2 pm, as per the report. 

In the CCTV footage, the woman could be seen rushing into the police station when he was doused with petrol and set on fire by a man next to her, which according to cops was her son Gaurav, as per the report. 

One policeman tried to take the lighter out of the woman's hand but it fell to the ground and the son, with a mobile phone in one hand, set her on fire, showed the footage. 

As the mother gets engulfed in a huge ball of fire, everyone backs off. The son, who falls to the ground, gets up and starts recording the horrific scene. 

The cops also suffered burns while trying to extinguish the fire, said Senior Superintendent of Police, Sanjiv Suman, reported NDTV. 

"On 16th July, information was received from Khair PS that a woman was set ablaze by her son in front of the Station's gate. Taking swift action, the fire was doused off and the woman was rushed to a hospital," said Khair Circle Officer Rajeev Dwivedi. 

"The woman's son has been detained and he is being questioned," he added. 

According to the SSP, there was a family dispute regarding land and the woman had filed an FIR. On Tuesday, the two sides visited the police station to find a solution. 

However, the parties failed to reach an understanding. Soon after the woman went out. When she returned, her son set her on fire. The incident was caught on camera," Suman said.