Amid speculations of a possible rift in the Bharatiya Janata Party's Uttar Pradesh unit, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav once again took a jibe at the saffron party as he put out a cryptic post on his X account. The Kannauj MP posted on X today about his "Monsoon offer" and wrote "Bring 100, form the government."

While he did not name anyone in his post, a senior SP leader told news agency PTI that Yadav's post was for those who wanted to switch over. 

"The SP won 111 seats in the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections and if we get the support of 100 dissatisfied BJP MLAs, then we will easily form the government," the SP leader said.

In an interview, the former UP CM called Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya a " very weak man". He said that once Maurya had claimed that he has the support of 100 MLAs, and was dreaming to become the CM of Uttar Pradesh. He further said that if this was true he should get them and the Samajwadi Party will support him for the CM post. He also claimed that Maurya was associated with the BJP despite being humiliated.

ALSO READ| 'Sinking Into Internal Politics': Akhilesh Yadav Amid Buzz Of BJP Rift In UP, Deputy CM KP Maurya Reacts

This comes after Akhilesh Yadav alleged that there was infighting in the BJP in UP, the rumours about which were sparked after the party's working committee meeting on July 14. In the meeting, CM Yogi Adityanath blamed "overconfidence" as the reason behind the party's loss in the Lok Sabha elections in UP.

Adding to the rumblings was Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya's post on X, which said the "organisation is bigger than the government, the pain of the workers is my pain. No one is bigger than the organisation, the workers are the pride." This was being widely understood as a vielded attack at the UP CM.

Commenting on his post, Yadav hit out at BJP saying that the party was busy in its fight for power, while the state's governance and administration were being affected, adding that the people of state are fed up with the party.

Hoewever, Maurya reacted to Yadav's comments saying that the "return of Samajwadi Party's hooliganism in UP is impossible". 

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