Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday told the women voters of Delhi not to serve dinner to their husbands if they chant "Modi-Modi" referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kejriwal urged that each and every woman cast her vote in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls and ask the men of their families to do the same. 

Addressing a townhall event in Delhi named 'Mahila Samman Samaroh', Kejriwal said, "Ask men of your house to go and vote. Many of them are chanting Modi-Modi, only you can fix them. If your husband says Modi, don't serve them dinner." 

"It is your responsibility now to convince your husbands, brothers, fathers, and other people in the locality to vote for the person who is working for their benefit," he added. 

Taking a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Delhi CM said, "They (BJP) say this scheme will spoil women. They say Kejriwal is wasting the money by giving Rs 1,000 to every woman in the city. I ask them when you waived off big loans of a lot of people, weren't they spoilt?"

During the event, Kejriwal interacted with the women voters of Delhi following the scheme presented in the 2024-25 budget outlay of the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government.

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He said that his government's Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana to give Rs 1,000 to all women above 18 years of age will make them financially independent as he urged them to vote in large numbers for his party.

Underlining the importance of the scheme, the AAP national convener said that it will make the women empowered in the truest sense and stated that every eligible woman even from the same family can avail of the benefit of the scheme.