Who Is Jane Dipika Garrett? Plus Size Miss Universe Contestant From Nepal

Miss Universe 2023 has seen some groundbreaking icons from across the world

Miss Universe 2023 has seen some groundbreaking icons from across the world

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

Representing Nepal, Jane Dipika Garrett is creating history with her presence at the beauty pageant

Representing Nepal, Jane Dipika Garrett is creating history with her presence at the beauty pageant

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

Jane Dipika is the first-plus size model among the many contestants in Miss Universe 2023

Jane Dipika is the first-plus size model among the many contestants in Miss Universe 2023

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

Jane Garrett hails from Kathmandu, Nepal.

Jane Garrett hails from Kathmandu, Nepal.

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

She happens to be a nursing student and is a supporter of women's hormonal, mental, and physical health

She happens to be a nursing student and is a supporter of women's hormonal, mental, and physical health

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

Jane Garrett has been using soical media to alter people's perceptions about plus size bodies

Jane Garrett has been using soical media to alter people's perceptions about plus size bodies

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

In September 2023, Jane competed in the Miss Universe Nepal 2023

In September 2023, Jane competed in the Miss Universe Nepal 2023

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

Jane Garrett won the Miss Universe Nepal 2023 pageant

Jane Garrett won the Miss Universe Nepal 2023 pageant

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_

( All Pics Credit: Instagram/@jadedipika_)

( All Pics Credit: Instagram/@jadedipika_)

Image Source: Instagram/@jadedipika_