Salman Khan is a superstar whose films have always come as a festival for his fans. Salman has arrived at the box office with his much-awaited Tiger 3 on Diwali day. The superstar created history in the Indian cinema with the film collecting a massive revenue. The film earned Rs 44.50 Cr. on its first day, that too on a festive day like Diwali. The film is the highest earner of Diwali day ever and made its place in the 100 Cr. Club in just 2 days. Being the biggest Tiger franchise, Tiger 3 is performing well. The film is going super strong at the box office and has collected 240 Cr. gross worldwide in 3 days. 'Tiger 3' features Salman Khan in the lead alongside Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. The film, helmed by Maneesh Sharma, was released in cinemas on November 12th, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. All Images: Screengrab from YouTube/YRF