Nagarjuna’s Telugu action thriller ‘The Ghost’ is available on Netflix. ‘The Good Nurse’ on Netflix is based on Charles Graeber's book. A teenage romance series ‘Flames’ is back with Season 3 on Amazon Prime Video. Watch the fantasy series, ‘The Bastard Son and Devil Himself’ on Netflix. The premise of ‘Ammu’ (on Amazon Prime Video) is about abusive marriage and domestic viloence. Tara vs Bilal is Harshvardhan Rane's romantic comedy to release on Netflix. Based on German army, ‘All Quiet On The Western Front’ is streaming on Netflix. A fantasy adventure ‘Mr Midnight: Beware the Monsters’ is available on Netflix. A Korean drama set in 1999, ‘20th Century Girl’ on Netflix. Watch a new Telugu web series centred on a strong female police officer, ‘Jhansi’ on Disney Plus Hotstar.