Shweta Bachchan posted this sweet photo with the caption- What a Guy, just sunshine and rainbows. Veteran actor Hema Malini celebrated Bhai Dooj with her brothers at home. The actor puts tika on her brother's forehead to mark the occasion. Tushar Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor too celebrated an enjoyable day with family on the occasion of Bhai Dooj. Kartik Aryan also did not miss a chance to post a picture on Instagram with his sister, wishing everyone a Happy Bhai Dooj. Kartik Aryan seeks blessings from his sister on this auspicious occasion. Salman Khan wished his followers a happy Bhai Dooj on Twitter by posting a picture of himself. Karishma Kemmu posted a video with the caption -Irritating each other is our birthright and so is doing things out of love. Soha Ali Khan wished her brother Saif on Bhai Dooj and posted a sweet note for him along with it. Actor Neena Gupta took to Instagram and uploaded a reel wishing everyone a Happy Bhai Dooj.