All You Need To Know About Geetika Sharma Suicide Case A Delhi court has acquitted ex-Haryana minister Gopal Goyal Kanda in air hostess Geetika Sharma's suicide case. Geetika Sharma was employed with Kanda's MDLR Airlines and was found dead on August 5, 2012, at her Ashok Vihar residence in Delhi. In a suicide note, Sharma said she was ending her life due to 'harassment' by co-accused Aruna Chaddha and Gopal Kanda. Special Judge Vikas Dhull acquitted the accused as the prosecution failed to prove the charges. The accused were facing charges under various sections, including abetment of suicide, criminal intimidation, destruction of evidence etc. Geetika had accused Kanda of mentally harassing her. Her mother Anuradha Sharma also died by suicide on February 13, 2013. Kanda was forced to resign from his post of MoS for Home in the erstwhile Bhupinder Hooda-led Congress government in Haryana. Kanda was also booked on charges of rape before the Delhi High Court dropped it in 2014. Police, in its charge sheet, mentioned that Kanda was 'putting pressure' on Sharma to come back to his firm and called her multiple times. In 2014, Kanda was out on bail. Thereafter, he founded the Haryana Lokhit Party.