What Are The Different Types Of Glasses Found In Bars?
Whiskey Glass: A short tumbler. It is said that the wide brim allows for the whiskey aroma to be adequately appreciated
Snifter: The brandy glass has a short stem and a wide bottom that narrows at the top — designed in a way to allow the hand to warm the liquor
Highball Glass: A tall, straight glass used for simple mixed drinks like gin and tonic or whiskey and soda. Good for drinks served with a lot of ice
Martini Glass: This one has a long stem and a wide, cone-shaped bowl, and is used for martinis and other cocktails served without ice
Shot Glass: A small glass designed for spirits served in small quantities, like tequila or vodka
Cordial Glass: Small glasses used for serving liqueurs and aperitifs that are usually consumed in one or two sips
Vodka Glass: Sometimes similar to a shot glass but often more decorative
Rum Glass: Rum can be served in a variety of glasses. For neat, a snifter might be used. A highball or tumbler is common for mixed drinks
Flute: The champagne flute is a tall, narrow glass. The design helps in retaining the carbonation and capturing the aroma. The narrow opening slows the rate of oxidation