TV actress Vaishali Takkar died by suicide on Sunday, October 16, at her residence in Indore. She is popular for her roles in serials like 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' and 'Sasural Simar Ka', among others. She was found hanging from a ceiling fan with a stole in her house in Saibag Colony of Indore on Sunday, police said. As per MP Police, a case under IPC Sec 306 (abetment of suicide) has been registered against her neighbours. Vaishali's neighbour Rahul Navlani and his wife Disha have been accused in her suicide case. A five-page suicide note was found at the spot in which Vaishali named Rahul for harassing her. Vaishali's family members alleged that Rahul Navlani was troubling her since he came to know about her marriage plans. Takkar and Navlani's fathers are business partners and they have known each other for long, the police said. Vaishali was about to marry a US-based software engineer in December. The accused couple Rahul and Disha was not found at their Indore home and are currently on the loose.