Deepika Padukone has added one more feather to her cap by marking her place in world's 10 most beautiful women. A scientist used the Greek technique called 'Golden Ratio of Beauty' to decide the world's most beautiful women. 1. Jodie Comer has been declared the world's most beautiful woman, securing her position on No. 1. 2. Zendaya with (94.37 percent). 3. Supermodel Bella Hadid with (94.35 percent). 4. Popular singer Beyonce securing (92.44 percent). 5. Ariana Grande with (91.81 percent). 6. Taylor Swift with (91.64 percent). 7. Jourdan Dunn with (91.39 percent). 8. Kim Kardashian with (91.28 percent). 9. Deepika Padukone with (91.22 percent). 10. Korean actress HoYeon Jung (89.63 percent).