How To Make YouTube Shorts: Step-By-Step Guide

Published by: Aashish Kumar Shrivastava
Image Source: YouTube

Want to make YouTube shorts but don't know how? Here's a guide for you. Before we move on to how to make them, let us first understand what they are.

Image Source: YouTube/YouTube Creators

What Are YouTube Shorts?

Shorts are short-form videos with a maximum length of 60 seconds, specifically designed for mobile viewing, on YouTube.

Image Source: YouTube/YouTube Creators

Why Make Shorts?

Making YouTube Shorts offers benefits like expanded reach, quick consumption, increased engagement, and rapid channel growth.

Image Source: YouTube/YouTube Creators

Let's now get on with the steps to make YouTube Shorts.

Image Source: YouTube/YouTube Creators

Step 1:

Prepare a script for a video of 60 seconds. Act it out, shoot it, and edit it to make the final video. Now that you have the content, let's move to the uploading process.

Image Source: Unsplash/Szabo Viktor

Step 2:

Sign in into the YouTube app and click on the '+' icon which will appear in the bottom-mid area of your screen.

Image Source: Unsplash/Alexander Shatov

Step 3:

Click on Create a Short, and then choose the desired video from your Gallery. Add any text, music, or effects as needed then click on Next.

Image Source: Unsplash/Collabstr

Step 4:

Add an engaging title, a clear description, and relevant tags. Make sure to include the hashtag #Shorts in your description or title to increase discoverability.

Image Source: Unsplash/Azamat E

Step 5:

Choose a custom thumbnail or select an auto-generated one then click on Upload to publish the YouTube Short.

Image Source: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema