Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor Dilip Joshi's daughter, Niyati got married on December 11, 2021 and the wedding trended big time. The wedding became the talk of the town because the bride sported her natural grey hair for the D-day. She broke a major stereotype and netizens hailed Niyati for being a trendsetter. Niyati wore a silk yellow suit for 'Ganesh pujan' ahead of wedding. Ditching yellow for her 'haldi' Niyati opted for purple suit & accessorised her look with floral jewellery. The starkid sported shoes on her yellow lehenga for 'sangeet'. Getting ready for her D-day. A traditional red saree with the tie and dye work on her 'pallu' for wedding day. Niyati wore a pink printed saree with matching emerald jewellery for reception. Niyati stunned in her post wedding look with hubby.