Palak Tiwari, daughter of TV actress Shweta Tiwari was recently snapped outside her gym. Palak is currently basking in the success of her debut music video 'Bijlee Bijlee'. The 21-year-old star-kid was snapped outside her gym when she was heading for home. Palak looked like a fitness diva in her gym wear. She opted for a white and pink sports bra and brown coloured leggings. The star-kid was also indulged in some pap talk. Palak is winning the internet with her elegance and style. Palak is all set for her Bollywood debut with 'Rosie: The Saffron Chapter'. Palak is the daughter of Shweta Tiwari and her first husband Raja Chaudhary. Palak visited Bigg Boss sets recently and matched steps with Slaman Khan on stage.