Kundali Bhagya fame actress Shraddha Arya returned to Mumbai after tying the nuptial knot in Delhi last week. Shraddha Arya’s bridal glow is just unmissable in her latest airport pictures. The actress was clicked at the airport by the paparazzi. New bride Shraddha was seen in a satin pink dress and black boots. The actress also flaunted the huge rock on her ring finger. Shraddha flaunted her chooda(red bangles), sindoor and heena on hands at the airport. This was Shraddha’s first public spotting post her fairy tale wedding. Shraddha Arya married Indian Navy officer, Rahul Nagal on 16 November 2021. Shraddha's wedding trended big time on social media. The actress looked drop-dead-gorgeous in a red and gold lehenga set on her D-day