Samantha Ruth Prabhu wowed fans in a red saree gown created by her friend and designer, Kresha Bajaj. Sharing photos on Instagram, the actress wrote, “Red magic.” She accessorised her look in minimal diamond ear studs. Samantha chose a stunning yet serene attire for her appearance as a speaker at IFFI 2021 Goa. Samantha Ruth Prabhu attended the International Film Festival of India, in Goa, with the makers of web-series The Family Man. Samantha Ruth Prabhu looks chic in all-black co-ord set. Samantha is currently basking in the success of web-series 'The Family Man 2' Vision in white! Samantha Ruth Prabhu looks super chic in a stylish white pantsuit. The actress breaks the internet every time she shares a picture of herself.