Bollywood actor Sanjay Kapoor turned 60 today, on October 17. The actor had a fun-filled midnight birthday celebration with his family and close friends. Sanjay cut a huge birthday cake that had his picture. Sanjay being all smiles with his brothers Boney and Anil Kapoor. Wishes are pouring in for the 'Raja' actor from all corners. From Farah Khan to Seema Sajdeh, everyone posed with the birthday boy. Bhavana Pandey looked all glam in a silver dress as she struck a pose with Sanjay. Sanjay looked an absolute dapper in a white shirt and jeans paired with a velvet blazer. The photos and videos give a glimpse of all the fun at the party. The birthday boy with his fam. Sonam Kapoor wished her chachu with unseen throwback pictures from her childhood. We wish Sanjay Kapoor a very Happy Birthday!