Diwali season is here and bringing in the festive fervor, Ayushmann and Tahira hosted a Diwali bash. From Sanya Malhotra to Taapsee Pannu, celebs arrived in style in ethnic outfits. Varun Dhawan arrived with wife Natasha Dalal looking a dapper in an orange and golden kurta pajama. Kriti Sanon looked resplendent in a white saree with golden border paired with an off-shoulder blouse. Actor Gajraj Rao arrived in an all-black ensemble. Taapsee Pannu looked radiant in a red saree. Aparshakti Khurrana, Ritesh Deshmukh, Genelia and Arpita Singh struck a pose together. Rajkummar Rao looked handsome in a grey kurta while Patralekhaa looked stylish in a pink saree. Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi looked picture perfect. Rakul Preet Singh exuded grace in a lime green sharara set. Nusshrratt Bharuccha looked gorgeous in an ethnic ensemble, Shaheer Sheikh also came with his wife. Karan Johar, Ananya Panday and Manish Malhotra arrived together. Ayushmann Khurrana and Kartik Aaryan giving bromance goals with this video from the Diwali bash.