Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu attended the 'Citadel' premiere in London. Samantha looked adorable in a black co-ord set. Samantha opted for a black crop top paired with a high waist bodycon black skirt with sheer detailing. The 'Shakuntalam' actress accessorised her look with statement Cartier jewellery. Samantha will be playing the female lead in the Indian adaptation of the spy thriller series. Varun Dhawan, who will play the male lead in the series, struck a pose with his co-star. Varun and Samantha twinned in black outfits. Varun and Samantha won hearts with their camaraderie at the Blue Carpet. The spy thriller action series 'Citadel' features Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. Priyanka's husband Nick also accompanied her for the premiere night.