Priyanka Chopra Stuns In A Red Dress At Citadel Premiere, Nick Jonas Can't Get Enough Priyanka Chopra attended the global premiere of her upcoming action drama series 'Citadel' in London. The actress was accompanied by her husband Nick Jonas. Priyanka Chopra looked gorgeous as ever in an off-shoulder red dress. Like always, Priyanka and Nick once again won over the internet with their PDA. Nick Jonas looked an absolute dapper in an all black ensemble. Priyanka also struck a pose with her 'Citadel' co-star Richard Madden. Priyanka and Nick just can't seem to have enough of each other in the pictures that have gone viral. The power-couple looked adorable as they posed together for the paparazzi. Priyanka and Nick are absolutely winning over our hearts. All Image: jerryxmimi/instagram.