Saif and Kareena were recently spotted at the Mumbai airport in outfits that best reflected their individual personalities. Saif adopted a desi look and wore a spotless white kurta and pyjama set. He paired it with an ivory coloured Nehru jacket and brown shoes. Kareena looks amazing in a stylish outfit with a Dalmatian design. She paired her outfit with a black leather jacket, heeled boots, tan Celine tote bag, black-tinted shades, and a gold watch. Social media has been flooded with videos of the couple and fans have labelled them 'the most stylish couple in Bollywood.' Kareena was spotted holding Saif's hand as they made their way to the exit gates. On the work front, Kareena just got back from London after finishing off a schedule for Hansal Mehta's upcoming film. While Saif was last seen alongside Hrithik Roshan in Vikram Vedha. Saif will now appear in Om Raut's Adipurush, where he portrays Lankesh, the villain.