Rakul Preet Singh's ultra glam looks never fails to impress her fans and leave them in awe. Recently, she was spotted at the airport and looked absolutely stunning in her outfit. She is always appreciated for her unique sense of style and this time also she did not fail to impress her fans. Rakul wore a colourful printed shirt and matched it with similarly printed trousers. She completed her pink-lavender-green outfit with white sneakers and shades. Her outfit had floral and leaf prints and she applied subtle make up to enhance her overall look. The actor has recently grabbed the cover of a leading film magazine, owing to her beauty and charm. She is all set to carry on with her upcoming films including 'Chhatriwali' and other undisclosed productions. The cast of 'Chhatriwali' also includes Prachee Shah Paandya, Satish Kaushik, Rajesh Tailang, Dolly Ahluwalia and Sumeet. In the movie, Rakul will play the quality control head of a condom factory, spreading a social message through the film.