TV actors Puja Banerjee and Kunal Verma have shared photos of their ‘newly married again’ moment. Kunal and Puja tied the knot in a traditional Bengali wedding on November 15, 2021 in Goa. Kunal-Puja’s 1 year-old son Krishav stole the limelight at his parents wedding. The bride opted for a heave red and gold Bengali styled sari for her D-day Groom Kunal complimented his wife in a red kurta and white dhoti set. The actors shared moments from their traditional ceremony. Puja Banerjee and Kunal Verma first met on the sets of Tujh Sang Preet Lagayi and fell in love. Earlier, the couple had a court marriage on April 15, 2020. It was a three-day event with sangeet, mehndi and the wedding. Our heartiest congratulations to Puja and Kunal