Bollywood couple Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai along with their daughter Aaradhya enjoyed family vacation in the Maldives. Here are some pics of the Bachchan family going viral on social media. Abhishek-Aihwarya celebrated their daughter Aaradhya's 10th birthday in Maldives. The birthday girl looked adorable at her party in the Maldives. The adorable Bachchan family posing for a cool selfie in Maldives. Aishwarya, Abhishek and Aaradhya seen in a cheerful mood. Abhishek also thanked the hotel staff for the hospitality. The trio returned from Maldives after celebrating Aaradhya's birthday. In November the family had celebrated Aishwarya's birthday in Goa. 3 generation in one frame. Aishwarya with her mom and daughter posing on the actress' birthday.