PM Modi’s Top Quotes During Last Session Of 17th Lok Sabha

Many decisions, including the repeal of Article 370 and the passage of the women's reservation bill, were taken for which many generations had long waited: PM Modi

On Ram Temple, he said: The Ram Temple Construction will give constitutional strength to future generations to feel proud of the country's values.

The last five years were a period of reform, perform and transform with the country moving towards big changes at a fast pace: PM Modi

The country has moved towards big changes at a fast pace and all members of the House made an important contribution. Such works were completed for which people had waited for centuries: PM Modi

For generations, people dreamt of one Constitution but this House made that possible by removing Article 370, which had given the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir special rights: PM Modi

The government has been a source of reassurance for people living on the margins of society: PM Modi

India got the presidency of G20 during this period and every state presented the country's strength and its identity in front of the world: PM Modi

We can proudly say that this country might have lived under the 'penal code' for 75 years but now we live under 'Nyay Samhita': PM Modi

The passage of the Digital Personal Data Protection Act has safeguarded the data of the present generation and given it a tool to make its future: PM Modi

Several challenges were met and the country was given an appropriate direction. We can say with satisfaction that the work for which many generations waited for centuries was accomplished in the 17th Lok Sabha: PM Modi

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