The trailer of 'Phone Bhoot' starring Katrina Kaif, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ishaan Khatter was released on October 10. Katrina Arrived in a floral pant-suit for the launch. She kept her look simple with hair open, minimal makeup and paired her pant suit with nude colour pumps. Katrina also revealed that husband Vicky Kaushal loved the trailer. Ishaan Khatter posed for the cameras looking all stylish Siddhant Chaturvedi wore an all-black outfit with white sneakers for the trailer launch. Jackie Shroff, who plays the antagonist in the film, made a stylish entry for the trailer launch. Katrina Kaif and Jackie Shroff in a fun conversation during the event. The team of 'Phone Bhoot' poses for the camera. The film is produced by Excel Entertainment, headed by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar.