Originally named Bhanurekha Ganeshan, the iconic female star Rekha turns 68 years old today, on Oct 10, 2022. Born to actors Gemini Ganeshan and Pushpavalli, Rekha began her acting career as a child artist in 1958. She gained massive recognition for her performance in 'Ghar' and 'Muqaddar Ka Sikandar'. Rekha bagged her first Filmfare Award for Best Actress for her iconic performance in 'Khoobsurat'. With her stellar performance as 'Umrao Jaan', she proved her mettle in the industry, winning the National Award. Rekha won her third Filmfare for essaying the role of a don in 'Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi'. Her impeccable performance in Gulzar's 'Ijaazat' is worth a mention. From 'Sawan Bhaado' to 'Koi Mil Gaya', Rekha has done over 180 films. The veteran actress is one of the iconic female stars of the industry. Even today, she takes the centre stage with her grace and persona and her charming smile. We wish the legendary Rekha a very Happy Birthday!