Game of Thrones premiered its last season five years ago. However, the story continued with the release of the spin-off House of the Dragons. The second season of the show premiered its first episode on Sunday. Now, HBO has announced a prequel to the original series of Game of Thrones. The prequel, titled A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, is being filmed in Belfast, Ireland. The series is adapted from R. R. Martin’s novella, The Hedge Knight. The storyline revolves around two Westeros heroes in an era where Targaryens ruled the Iron Throne. The official release date has not been announced, but it will be released somewhere in 2025. The cast of the fantasy series includes Peter Claffey, Dexter Sol Ansell, Finn Bennett, Bertie Carvel, Tanzyn Crawford, Daniel Ings, and Sam Spruell. Photo credit: Instagram (gameofthrones)