Actor-Dancer Nora Fatehi oozes grace in her desi avatars. Take a look. The 'Dilbar Dilbar' girl looks gorgeous in a simple anarkali suit. Graceful as ever. The actress looks beyond beautiful in a rose pink suit. Nora Fatehi made her debut with Bollywood film 'Roar: Tigers of the Sunderbans.' She has also featured in the song 'Manohari' from 'Baahubali: The Beginning'. Nora Fatehi was also a contestant in reality show Bigg Boss 9. The actor gained popularity in Bollywood with her song 'Dilbar Dilbar' in Satyameva Jayate. She won hearts with her performance in the film 'Bhuj: The Pride Of India'. Nora will next be seen grooving to the beats in 'Satyameva Jayate 2.'