Sonam Kapoor Ahuja made her fans' hearts skip a beat dressed in a white anarkali. The 'Aisha' actress looked ravishing in this attire. She donned designer Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla's outfit for her Diwali 2021 celebrations. The hint of emerald in her accessories added the extra spark. Sonam's husband Anand K Ahuja twinned with her in a white kurta-pyjama. Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja got married in 2018. Both Sonam and Anand look classy in this picture. The 'Raanjhanaa' actress is known for her fanstastic fashion choices and knows how to grab the limelight. Sonam loves treating her fans with her gorgeous looks. She is undoubtedly the 'style diva' of Bollywood.