On November 29, in Imphal, Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram are set to tie the knot. Lin made her Bollywood debut in Om Shanti Om, starring Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan. She was born in Manipur. To finish her education, she later relocated to Mumbai. Lin also attended New York's Stella Adler Studio of Acting. At Shamooo Sana, a jewelry brand, Lin Laishram is the managing director and founder. In Mary Kom, she co-starred on film alongside Priyanka Chopra. Lin Laishram was last seen in Sujoy Ghosh's Jaane Jaan. Actors Lin Laishram and Randeep Hooda have plans to get married in Manipur today. They went to a temple in the Heingang neighborhood the day before their wedding to ask for blessings. Photo credit: Instagram