Malaika Arora Sizzles In Green Saree Bollywood star Malaika Arora recently graced the sets of 'The Kapil Sharma Show' Arora stole the limelight as she dazzled in a sequined saree, which was designed by Manish Malhotra. Be it Indian or western, Malaika can pull of any look with grace and panache. The tinsel town diva managed to create ripples social media with her stunning avatar. Malaika Arora completed her look with statement earrings and neckpiece. She opted to keep her tresses open, which added to her beauty. Malaika Arora will be seen as a judge alongside Terrence Lewis and Geeta Kapur in 'India's Best Dancer 2'. The dance-based reality show will air on Sony TV on weekends. The 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' girl oozed confidence while striking a pose for the camera.