Here's how the Bachchans stepped out in style in Paris for their family time, after Aishwarya dazzled on the ramp at the Paris Fashion Week. Aishwarya stepped out in style with hubby Abhishek Bachchan and their daughter Aaradhya accompanying them. Abhishek sported an all-black look sealed with a trench coat. Aaradhya looked cute in a floral dress with a red coat. Aishwarya turned heads in a sequined and embroidered jacket and paired it with flared denims. Earlier, Aishwaya Rai Bachchan took over the ramp at Paris Fashion Show. Aishwarya was a vision in white. On the runway, Aishwarya was also joined by the likes of British star Helen Mirren & singer-actress Camilla Cabello. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on the runway. BTS pic of Aishwarya getting ready to take over Paris. Ramp queen! [All Pics Credit: Gettyimages]