Ananya Panday And Aditya Roy Kapur Turn Showstopper For Manish Malhotra At LFW Rumoured couple Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur turned showstoppers for Manish Malhotra. The actors' sent fans gushing as they walked the ramp, together. Ananya looked gorgeous in an off-shoulder dress with a high slit paired with a shrug. Ananya and Aditya's chemistry is evident in the pictures and videos from the event. Ananya looked an absolute diva as she walked the ramp. Aditya Roy Kapur looked an absolute dapper in a black suit. Ananya and Aditya have been hitting the headlines with their appearances at various events. Aditya has been cited as the reason behind Ananya's break-up with longtime boyfriend Ishaan Khatter. All Image: Instagram.