Priyanka Chopra Hosts Ram Charan, Jr NTR In Pre- Oscars Party Priyanka chose an all-white ensemble and posed for pictures with Malala Yousufzai. Preity Zinta also posed with the guests including Malala and Jacqueline Fernandez, and shared the pictures on Instagram. Priyanka Chopra also posed with Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Konidela. At the event, Mindy Kaling was dressed in an embellished saree by Falguni Shane Peacock India. She shared a few pictures from the party, where she’s seen posing with Malala and Jr NTR, among others. She captioned the post by writing- Last night I was honored to co-host a celebration of South Asian Oscar nominees. Priyanka Chopra and Malala Yousafzai pose together. A glimpse of Priyanka and others posing at the event. Priyanka spoke on a couple of things like creating a safe space for the future generation of film talent coming to Hollywood. This year, India has scored three nominations at the 95th Academy Awards which will be held on March 13.